The board of directors and the advisory committee met

The board of directors and the advisory committee met

The administrative board and the advisory committee of the Jordanian Sports Hunting Association and the lawyer Amer Al-Atoum met at the house of the member of the board of directors, Mr. Bader Asfour, where the following matters were discussed:
1- Discussing the project of breeding and releasing partridges on the association’s land, with funding from environmental organizations, and studying the topic and the extent to which it can be applied, and work is underway on it.
2-Following up the requests submitted to His Excellency the Minister of Agriculture for the inclusion of the air rifle as a hunting weapon and the opening of the areas east of the railway
3- Agreeing to set up a regional environmental conference at the level of the region and inviting all international organizations and bodies concerned with the environment in order to submit proposals that would protect the Jordanian environment.
4- A visit to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to find out about the environmental projects to be financed in Jordan and to work on them
5- The relationship of the Jordanian Sports Hunting Association with the authorities concerned with fishing
In addition to discussing many things that serve the fisherman and the environment and the balance between them

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