Today, the Honorable Minister of Agriculture, Engineer Khaled Hanafit, and Dr. Suad, Director of Animal Wealth in the Ministry, were interviewed
The meeting was attended by the Jordanian Sports Hunting Association, Brother Nasser Al-Hunaiti, Vice President Bader Asfour, member of the board of directors, and Ahmed Al-Ghuwairi, representative of the Jordanian Sports Hunting Association to the Wildlife Committee.
All the requests of the fishermen regarding the opening of the hunting seasons, the air rifle and the east of the railway were studied, and the requests of the fishermen received clear attention from His Excellency and the kindness of Dr. Souad, who will take measures and decisions in the right direction during the coming period
The Jordanian Sports Hunting Association was and still is the first sponsor and the real demands for the rights of the hunter.
The next is better, God willing