Jordanian Outdoor Sport Association
This forum has been established to promote and encourage dialogue amongst a new generation of well trained outdoorsmen committed to the protection of wildlife and the preservation of the natural cycles of nature. It is open to all outdoorsmen, both from within and outside of Jordan, to share opinions and initiatives that serve the greater good of our sport. Here, the Forum respects the opinion of every member, as all voices are equal in their value in so long as they comply with our Code of Conduct..



Wild hunt

Air Rifles
Jordan's first registered association for outdoors men

Association objectives
- Work to recover the number of Chukar and Partridge birds in our ecosystem to sustainable levels.
- Develop a new generation of well trained outdoorsmen committed to the protection of wildlife and the preservation of the natural cycles of nature.

- Promote awareness and engagement of citizens on the importance of preserving and not polluting nature.
- Promote awareness of farmers on their role in reducing the effects of harmful fertilizers for the protection of their environment.
- Preservation of the marine ecosystem by educating fishermen on the harmful effects of net fishing on habitats, and instead promoting alternate fishing techniques that protect both economic and environmental sustainability.
- Expand outreach by ensuring formal Association representation in each of Jordan's 12 governorates.
- Build a partnership with the government to advocate legislative and regulatory practices that enhance the quality of outdoor sports in Jordan and protect the environment.
- Establish and maintain an active working relationship with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature.
Official Hunting seasons

- Wildlife Committee
- Marine Biology Committee
- Social Affairs Committee
- Advisors Committee
- Air rifles Committee
Mr. Ahmed Al-Ghwairi
0780000000Mr. Alaa Al-Hadid
0780000000ِMr. Ahmed Al-Qawasme
079563 8059ِMr. Ibrahim Shawabkeh
0780000000ِMr. Mohammed Abu Nahleh
0780000000ِMr. Mohammed Al Salman
0797125492ِMr. Yamen Al-Mahroum
0780000000ِMr. Baraa Al-Yaseen
0780000000ِMr. Mohammed Al-Momani
0780000000ِMr. Essam Abu Rasaa
0780000000ِMr. Amjad Khoury
0780000000ِDr. Omar Abu Maryam
0780000000ِMr. Shabib Najdawi
0780000000ِDr. Ziad Qusous
0780000000Dr. Amin Awwad
0780000000ِDr. Ibrahim Al-Atwi
0780000000ِMr. Mohammed Al-Bedaiwi Al-Atoum
0780000000ِMr. Imad Eddin Zahir
0780000000ِMr. Ashraf Samara
0780000000ِMr. Amer Al-Qaryouti
0780000000ِMr. Samer Al-Hadid
0780000000ِMr. Mohammed Al-Rawashda